Livin’ the Lifestyle (and Holiday Beers)

There are certain tenets and beliefs that are essential to being a beer geek. One of the most important tenets, I think, is to “abstain from drinking at events or functions rather than drinking crappy beer.”

Several years back at the Holiday Bowl (the one we got blown out by Texas Tech instead of playing in the Rose Bowl), we attended the Cal Alumni tailgate and had paid extra money to have beer included. Even after my putting on the form “please have good beer” our choices at the event were the full range of Miller products… Miller, Miller MGD and Miller Lite. Suffice to say, we didn’t have any beer which in the end probably was a good thing. We had just returned from Europe the day prior and I was nodding off at the tailgate party at 4:30 in the afternoon.

Which brings us to this past Friday. One of our good friends, Matt Luke, was being inducted into the Cal Sports Hall of Fame and he invited us to attend the dinner; an invitation we gladly accepted.

But both Merideth and I were really worried what beer we were going to be able to get at the hosted bar. So, with certain amount of dread we walked up to the bar and, at first, it wasn’t looking good; there weren’t any bottles of beer displayed. So, Merideth cautiously asked the bartender what the beer choices were… and on this day, the beer gods were smiling upon us… Trumer Pils was our lone beer choice.

But in the few seconds it took to take the bottle from the bartender to when I started pouring the beer into my cup, I must have done something to anger the beer gods. The plastic cup I was given had a hole in the bottom so beer dripped all over my nice wool vest which made me look like a lush… I just get there and I am spilling beer all over myself.

→ This is my favorite time of the beer year… Holiday beer season. It is just getting into full swing and I am frantically seeking out new holiday beers to try. So far I have tried the holiday offerings from Avery, Marin Brewing, Full Sail and, of course, my absolute favorites, Sierra Nevada Celebration and Anchor X-mas. Following the theme of angering the beer gods, Barclays didn’t have Anchor x-mas on tap this past weekend so I have only have tried the bottled version. And since we live in the beer backwater, no one around here will have it on draught…

Long Lost Friends

It is really strange how the world works sometimes…At our recent talk to the Rotary Club of Monterey Pacific, we tried to encourage people to be outgoing in their travel because you never know who you will meet. Our point about that was (and is) that you may never see the people you meet again, but at least in that moment, they were part of an experience you will always remember. And, if you are lucky, they may actually become your friends.

We used an example of these two guys and their gnome (Okay, sorry, we actually left out the part about the Rambling Gnome) that we met at Oktoberfest in 2005. We said that we will probably never see or hear from them again, but they were part of making a great Oktoberfest experience for us.

Well, we received an e-mail from the Rambling Gnome this morning! Here is a picture of him in front of the Vatican. He is now living in Tuscany and is the “watchdog – of – the -plants – that – never – seem – to – get – enough – water.” For me, it came as a great surprise and also a great relief to hear from him. You see, that night I thought in our drunken revelry, we were part of the Rambling Gnome getting lost forever. He had already been around Europe with his two traveling companions and I have always felt bad that he was swiped on our watch. I have yet to hear back about his adventures immediately following our meeting, but I am very happy to hear he is safe in Italy! I look forward to finding out where he went that night and how he came to be in Italy, especially since it has been 2 years since we saw him last!

So, the moral of the story is that when Chris and I are rambling on about this or that, before you zone out thinking we are just talking out our ass again, keep in mind that the Rambling Gnome managed to ramble his way back into our life. See, we do actually have some good points to make and making new friends is one of them!

I’m a Public Radio Queen

If you have watched the latest episode of beergeekTV, you saw us march in the kazoo parade from the brewer’s breakfast to the opening of Oregon Brewer’s Festival. 

Well, what we didn’t show was that there was this guy marching with us who had a microphone and asked if I would mind saying a few words.  I remember asking him what it was for and then promptly forgetting what he said.  Since then, I  have periodically thought about what it was all about and wondered if my stuff made the grade or fell to the cutting room floor, so to speak.

And thanks to an e-mail blast from the past from my friend John Brennan, I know the answer!  Now living in Portland, he heard my little sound bite and contacted me. So, I am proud to say that a small portion of my comment made it to the audio postcard of the Oregon Public Broadcasting radio!  And I am also happy to report that only a small portion made it in!  It was my first media experience and I have to say I would have sounded like a total dork if they played the full sound bite! While I haven’t had too many (if any) more media opportunities, that experience helped me develop some better answers to questions commonly asked of beergeeks.  Anyway, check out the Oregon Brewer’s Festival audio postcard on the Oregon Public Broadcasting radio.  Listen carefully, or you might miss my line!

Some wieners and a dirndle

Well, last night officially marked the end of our Oktoberfest season. And, the end of wearing my dirndle until next year. Last weekend we had a great time at the Tyrolean Inn’s Oktoberfest celebration, drinking litres of beer and having fun conversation with our friends. I also got an opportunity to talk with Chuck and Whitney, the owners of the Tyrolean. They are a fun and interesting couple that represent the best of Santa Cruz mountain folk. The only bummer of the evening was that it was a bit chilly out and try as I might, I eventually had to change out of my dress and into something warmer. I kept thinking that I just needed to drink more beer and then it wouldn’t matter, but two and a half litres later, I was still cold!

Yesterday, however, I managed to wear my dress all day long. First, we participated in the Carmel birthday/Halloween parade with the Carmel Dachshund Club. It’s always a fun group and seeing all the wieners scurrying around is a real hoot! Luckily, only one poor wiener was dressed as a hot dog.

While I would never dress them as hot dogs, I do admit an inclination to humiliate Porter and Stout with outfits. However, I can only manage to get a Halloween bandanna around their necks and they barely tolerate that!

After the parade, we headed straight over to the Ol’ Factory Cafe for their Oktoberfest celebration. Again, good conversation and beer drinking marked the afternoon. Chris brought his CD of oompah music, so that really got the mood going! And, the best part was that it was indoors, so I managed to stay in my outfit all afternoon! But alas, the party had to end and so my dress gets put away for another year. Maybe I’ll bring it out again in May when the Tyrolean has their Maifest. And, I think I will seriously consider wearing it to the Oktoberfest in Munich next year. Because, let’s face it, it’s a festive outfit and I look pretty cute!

New Video, Harvest Ale and Upcoming Pint Opportunites

Our latest episode of “One Pint at a Time” is available for your viewing pleasure. Learn why the Oregon Brewers Festival is considered one of the best craft beer festivals in the world in the episode called 2007 Oregon Brewers Festival.

We are excited about this episode because we were able to use the lessons learned from our European trip when we were very much novices to shooting video. Namely, you can never have too much footage plus it is always nice to see us in the video. We are continually learning how to improve our videos and I hope you can see the difference.

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For all the episodes of “One Pint at a Time” go to beergeekTV.

As for the Sierra Nevada Harvest/Fresh Hop Ale, everyone can rest easier. I finally found some and have been enjoying it almost on a nightly basis this week. I really enjoy the oily, resiny bitterness from the wet hops.

Finally, for those who want to have a pint (or litre) with us, here are your upcoming opportunitues:
October 27: Oktoberfest at the Ol’ Factory Cafe in Sand City. This will be your last opportunity in 2007 to see Merideth in her dirndle and that, in itself, is worth the price of admission.
October 31: Halloween in Santa Cruz… We are going to be at the Catalyst for a Street Dogs show but beforehand, you will probably find us at the Poet and Patriot.
November 3rd: We will be in the Bay Area for the Cal game but prior to the game, we will be found first at City Beer (12:30/1pm-ish) and then at Barclays (3pm-ish) . Our friend Chris from Seattle (the Beer Retard) should be meeting us at Barclays.

For those who haven’t tried the Sierra Nevada Harvest/Fresh Hop Ale, I have a backup supply awaiting me at City Beer. I like to share…

Oh, and we’ll probably be hanging out at the Ol’ Factory Cafe tonight…