The Year in Beer Seattle Preview

Our trip to Seattle is set. We will be in the Emerald City April 16-20. As always, if you want to meet us for a pint, all you have to do is contact us.

I’ll start this preview out with a confession: Seattle in April is the misfit pairing for the YiB. We wanted to make sure we included Seattle in the YiB, but after filling in all the other months, April was the only month left. While I am sure spring in Seattle is beautiful, and that may be reason enough to come in April, there are just no ‘major’ beer events in Seattle this month.

But have no fear… with the help of our friend Chris Devlin, we are going to avoid Seattle’s well-traveled tourist path and get a local’s tour of the best beer destinations Seattle has to offer.

We haven’t been to Seattle in about 10 years and are looking forward to hitting some of our old favorites including Hales and Big Time.

But the real plus of this YiB installment is that we are going get a flock of new breweries that will begin our final push for 400. The new breweries we will be visiting on this trip include:

  • Elysian Brewing
  • Maritime Pacific
  • Baron Brewing
  • Georgetown Brewing
  • Laughing Buddha
  • Stix Brewhouse
  • Anacortes Brewery
  • La Conner Brewing

YiB-4And there is one exciting event. Well, it’s not really an event and it’s not too exciting for Merideth. But for myself, as a hophead, the 6th Annual IPA Fest at Cooper’s Ale House has the taste buds tingling already. Between April 4th-25th, Cooper’s will be pouring “over 40 Imperial, Industrial, and just plain ol’ IPA’s…” We will definitely manage to stop by at some point in the 4 days we are in Seattle. I just hope that their not all gone by the time we get there.

Besides Cooper’s, we will also be visiting Collins Pub, Uber Tavern, Duck Island Ale House and the world famous Brouwers Cafe among others.

It’s a full schedule and we’re sticking to it!