This is a story about persistence and good friendship…

My 300th brewery wasn’t supposed to be Mayerbrau. It was supposed to be the Forschungsbrauerei in the Munich suburb of Perlach. The funny story about this place is that this was our third attempt to find it:
Attempt #1, we had the name but no address. I was going to rely on my natural male ability at directions, which had never failed me. We didn’t find it.
Attempt #2, we had an address and we walked around for an hour trying to find this place and couldn’t. You may be thinking, “why didn’t you guys ask?” Well, there is no one in this town. You walk around and see nobody, except for the few other people who also got off the train.
Attempt#3 , we actually had a map (that my parents have had for years) and found it quite easily and… it’s closed until March 2nd, 2007.
So, we left Munich without my 300th brewery.

We were off to Mannheim to visit our friends Ute and Wolfgang and then head over to Dublin with them. Ute had read about the latest failed attempt in an e-mail and came up with idea to suprise me with #300 while we were in Mannheim.
The surprise was almost blown by Wolfgang but after a short tram ride to Oggersheim, we were at Gebr. Mayer.
So, #300 turned out be one of those great experiences… drinking great German beer and eating great German food with great friends! Someday, we’ll make it to Forschungsbrauerei. . .